Thursday, April 30, 2009

Would you trust this guy?

I tried to memory sketch a meeting i had with a salesman.

What is it about Nintendo games that bring out the worst in people? Here's a sketch of yours truly enjoying a friendly online match of Mario Kart wii. My apologies to Nintendo for drawing the worst Mario in history.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Done for the "Big girl thread" over at that the

Do you ever get the sudden urge to draw a big lady riding a mobility cart? Okay, it's just me.

Took a sketch through illustrator for the heck of it. Kind of silly to retrace an inked drawing with vectors, but i was just curious to see how it would turn out.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Went to costco for lunch. 1.75 for a hotdog and soda(plus refills), and i got to sketch some happy folks. Take that shitty economy!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Inspired by the latest "drawing jam" over at the

and a random/silly comic strip i thought of while listening to some cornball on the radio talking about enjoying life, and the wisdom in the saying, "stop and smell the roses". Drawn on post-its.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ms. Wiggly

Trying to push my shapes.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Character design!

I took Stephen Silver's character design class last year. Great experience. I took another crack at one of my designs i made while taking the class. The inked drawing is the one i made while taking the class, while the red prisma sketches are my most recent passes.

Here's a Deja Thoris sketch for good measure.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Some sketches of Poison Ivy. The pic of her screaming ended up looking like a crazy Ariel, but oh well.

Some silliness...

Here's a pocket pin up. I like drawing VERY small at first, so i can concentrate on the pose. My drawing area is littered with post its and little scraps of lined paper. Nothing frightens me more than a large sheet of blank paper.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Brush Pen droppings!

Every now and then i like to visit the local malls, and just sketch people. I'm terrible at it, but nothing gets you out of your drawing comfort zone like trying to capture a likeness/pose in a split second.

Random sketch page.....couple of Tupper inspired heads in there.

And a fat bear!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

How you doin?

Quick sketch of Elastigirl.

Peach hitting mario with a fry pan. Yes, i am a creative genius.

Someone mentioned that i do a pinup of Superman. I don't think the above image is what they had in mind.